The film revolves around a hunter and his/her victim, the romance and the mind games between, whilst the rules and justification for the games are being narrated.
The film follows a Caroline Meredith (Ursula Andress), a huntress, and her tenth victim-to-be, Marcello Poletti (Marcello Mastroianni). Poletti is relucatant to kill Meredith, as he is not sure whether she is a hunter or not. Later, a romance ensues between the two, but Meredith has just been out to get the perfect kill in-front of the cameras.
I quite enjoyed this film, it made me think about the current public assassin games, such as StreetWars where people are silently made targets by chosen attackers and squirted with water guns to mark their kill.
Apparently assassin games such as "Killer" are derived from the film (or perhaps from the short story by Robert Sheckley, upon which the film is based). Assassin games began to be played around Amercan university campuses about the time the film was released in the mid 1960s.