Thursday, 29 September 2011

Task: Gaming Interview.

As with all Blogs, there is the initial announcement that, you yourself, exists. My name is Christopher Batih and I welcome you to my Blog. I shall be using it, for the next three years, to document my progression from hard-core gamer to Computer Games Designer at University Campus Suffolk.

So, as with any interview, there must be questions; and much to the amusement of my tutors, cohorts, friends and potential employers, I shall list them in a general Q&A fashion.

Q) What fictional book are you currently reading or last read?
A) It’s been such a long time, I cannot remember. My shelves are stacked with factual text.

Q) What non-fictional book are you currently reading or last read?
A) Factual, I’m there. The Introduction to level design using Unreal Engine 3, though the development kit has been updated and the text a little out-dated, the basic stuff is there. I’d recommend this book to anyone thinking about level design using the Unreal Engine.

Q) What is the last live performance you attended?
A) I went to see Lee Evans live at the Wembley Arena, as always, he delivers original material over the period of 3 hours and sweats like a pig, but I’ll go and see him again!

Q) What was the title of the last film you saw at the cinema, online or DVD?
A) Quite a simple one, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.

Q) How often do you read a newspaper?
A) I’d ask anyone that, we live in a digital age, my news gets delivered to my iPhone every morning… but we know there are some veterans out there that enjoy the classic format.

Q) Which gallery/museum/exhibition did you last visit?
A) That has to be the London Aquarium, there is something wonderful about seeing aquatic life up close and personal.

Q) How many hours a week do you spend playing video games.
A) It’s probably a good idea to answer this without my wife around, generally I spend a couple of hours a day playing games… but from a different perspective, hers, I spend my life physically attached to my computer.

Q) How many hours a week do you spend playing games other than video games.
A) When I can detach myself from the digital world, I do enjoy a game of chess with my wife, though these games can typically last a couple of hours, it’s time well spent.

Well, that’s that. I’ve interviewed myself, enjoyed it, hopefully amused those of you reading and successfully started a journey into Computer Games Design.

Live long and BLOG.


  1. Wow, that's nice. I'd like to try it once. I believe that most of us missed the "Interaction" part. It is, after all, why we used to play most of our childhood games.
